Auto theft continues to be an issue in Colorado. In previous years, the state of Colorado ranked first in auto theft, but most recently, we ranked third. We should not be proud that auto theft continues to be such an issue in our state.

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However, it is nice to see that some progress has been made.

Most Stolen Vehicles in Colorado

We recently discovered which model and makes of vehicles are the most stolen in Colorado. If you have one of these vehicles, we advise that you take additional steps for theft prevention.

  • Hyundai Sonata
  • Hyundai Elantra
  • Chevrolet Silverado

You can check out the full list below.


Arvada Police Department Makes Innovative Move


The Arvada Police Department recently held its first GPS tracker giveaway. On January 19, the department gave away Apple AirTags and Tile trackers. The Department is urging residents to keep these trackers inside their vehicles.

If a criminal steals a vehicle, this would allow the owner to see where the vehicle is thanks to GPS tracking.

Tracking Devices and Colorado

With GPS tracking vehicles such as Apple AirTags and Tile, owners of the device can place the tracker discreetly in their vehicle. You will always be able to know where the vehicle is because of an app on your smart device.

To our knowledge, the Arvada Police Department is the first to implement a program like this. We expect other law enforcement agencies in Colorado, and the rest of the nation will begin similar programs.

If you do not have a GPS tracker, we highly advise you get one. They can track important belongings such as your pets, your vehicle, purses, and wallets. They are a great resource for your luggage when you travel as well.

Top 20 Longest Commutes for Coloradans By County

These are the average longest commutes for various counties in Colorado. According to Overflow Data, the top answer for Colorado has the 13th longest commute in the country.

Gallery Credit: Tanner Chambers

20 of the Wittiest Weed Store Names in Colorado

In no particular order, here are some of the most cleverly named marijuana dispensaries in Colorado.

Gallery Credit: Kelsey Nistel