Aaron Rodgers to Denver Finally, but Different Kind of Mile High
This time a year ago, everyone across Colorado was excited by the possibility of a shiny new quarterback making his way from Cheese Country to Broncos Country to be reunited with his former Offensive Coordinator - our brand new, overly excited coach Nathaniel Hackett. In hindsight, Hackett was kind of like that puppy who gets all wound up every time something good happens, only to pee on the rug and leave everyone disappointed in the end.
A year later, Hackett is long gone, and instead of Aaron Rodgers as our QB1, we've got Russell Wilson, who's coming off the worst season of his career - by far.
WATCH & LISTEN: Sean Payton can dance - and there's even a song about it!
Now after a disaster of a season and looking forward to fall already, Sean Payton is the new Broncos head coach and turns out, in addition to having Wilson try again another season in Denver, we're going to have Aaron Rodgers here too - only this time a different kind of 'mile high' and only for a few days in June.
Not talking about Mile High Stadium or playing football, but Rodgers is appearing as a guest speaker at - can you believe this? - the 2023 Psychedelic Science Conference in Denver.
Am I the only one who finds that kind of weird? Rodgers can be a guest speaker on psychedlics, but other things like marijuana are still super frowned upon in the NFL, albeit to a lesser degree nowadays than in years past.
Rodgers is on the record as loving a good psychedelic experience, having admitted to taking ayahuasca on a trip to South America last summer. Ayahuasca is a psychoactive concoction of leaves and vines used in the Amazon basin socially and for ceremonies. Part of that mix includes the psychedelic drug dimethyltryptamine, which is all about crazy, mind altering hallucinations.
They're calling the conference in Denver the "largest psychedelic gathering in history" where they'll be discussing the future of psychedelic science through informative talks, valuable workshops, events and marketplace opportunities, and expecting over 10,000 daily attendees.
Even money says that many of those 10,000 who go are expecting something different than a medical science conference, but we'll let them figure that out when they get there.
And last season notwithstanding, that Sean Payton and Russell Wilson will most likely get a better result in orange and blue than Hackett and Rodgers would have.
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