Colorado Man Pulled Over for Drinking + Driving, Blames Dog
They're letting the dogs drive, now.
Well, that's not entirely true, but that's exactly what a DUI suspect in Springfield, Colorado was trying to get officers to believe after they pulled him over for speeding. More specifically, the suspect claimed that it was, in fact, the dog that had been speeding down the highway. I can only assume the pup's fine is intended to be paid in kibble.

Now, driving under the influence is not acceptable under any circumstances. Personally, I don't support that kind of behavior, and I don't care who knows it. My apologies for going off on a tangent, there, but I just had to get that 'hot take' off my chest. That being said, some things are just objectively hilarious, and this story is one of those things.
The Springfield Police Department must have thought so, too since they're the ones who shared the details of the story on their own Facebook page. Apparently, according to the police account, the suspect in question actually attempted to switch seats with their canine companion after being pulled over. The suspect then exited the vehicle from the passenger side, at which point they made the doggy-driving claim.
Officers noted clear signs of intoxication in the suspect because you obviously don't try to claim that your dog is your chauffeur without the smooth taste of Michelob. It surely didn't help the suspect's case that they seemed to have some outstanding warrants, as well. All in all, I think it's safe to say this wasn't a particularly great night out for this guy, but a great audition if he's trying out for the role of Kid Rock.