Where are You Most-Likely to Get Punched in the Face in Colorado?
I'm an adult, so I try my best to be on my best behavior when I'm out in public because that's what you're supposed to do as an adult. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there who, unlike me, must not have been raised right, and will risk the prospect of spending some time behind bars to take a swing at you when you make them mad. It happens all the time, just about everywhere in America, even in Colorado.
Some places are more prone to generating these kinds of dolts than others, like bars and Will Smith's house. Sometimes, you can pretty much write an entire city or town off as a no-go zone. Below, you'll find some of the places in Colorado that fit that exact description. If you have vacation plans for the summer in any of the following places, you may want to make some new ones.

Seeing that Denver is the capital of Colorado and its largest city, this one is kind of a no-brainer. Take the inherent discontent you seem to find amongst the populace in most seats of political control (looking at you, D.C.), combine it with a dense population, and you're bound to catch a fist-flinger or two. According to statistics from the Denver Police Department, the city saw more than 5,000 assaults in 2022, which pretty much proves my point. It might be a good idea to keep your comments about most meals to yourself out here.
Colorado Springs
There are a lot of things going on in Colorado Springs that could earn you a pop in the nose if you aren't careful, and most of them aren't even remotely humorous. Taking that out of the equation, and with a population of nearly half a million people, there are still plenty of stories you can find with some humor to them. Colorado Springs recorded about 1,867 assaults in 2019, per FBI statistics.
Fort Collins
According to city statistics, Fort Collins only saw 340 assaults in 2022, so they have the wonderful distinction of being the city with the lowest number of assaults on this list. That being said, Fort Collins is also the kind of city where a guy might chase you around with a machete, so they aren't immune to strange violence. Better to err on the side of caution in this particular instance.
Grand Junction
Grand Junction is the smallest city on this list, by far, so their numbers aren't nearly as impressively bad as our other three entries. Per statistics from the GJPD, Grand Junction recorded only 432 assaults in 2019. Don't let your guard down in Junction, though; there's definitely a sense of hostility you can find when you're in certain parts of town, and with a population of fewer than 70,000 people, more than 400 assaults are still pretty bad. Most residents would tell you to avoid Clifton specifically, but there's plenty of nonsense in Junction, so stay alert.