Pop quiz: what kind of music do you think of when you think of Colorado? If we're being honest, most of us would probably pick things along the lines of country music, hard rock, and maybe a little bluegrass. Colorado has a very rugged reputation, after all, so it seems reasonable that we'd all love rugged music. I mean, who would assume Colorado, as a whole, had a great love for the work of BTS?

Often in the real world, however, what seems reasonable isn't always what actually ends up being what's true. That's the case in this particular scenario, as a study of each state's favorite musician revealed some information about Colorado and our preferred musical tastes that I found, quite frankly, shocking.

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Insider looked at the most-streamed artists on Pandora, finding that in Colorado, we actually prefer the musical stylings of Canadian child actor turned somehow-American rapper, Drake. You read that correctly: instead of Willie NelsonMetallica, or even Ozzy Osbourne, Colorado spends the most time listening to the music of Jimmy from DegrassiIn spite of his sweaters and dance moves, I might add.

Again, this confused me when I saw it. That was, until I read further into the list, and came to realize that we're not in the minority on that. As a matter of fact, just about every state in the nation spends its Pandora time with Drizzy, as he was listed as the most-streamed artist in 31 states. I think that might be enough states to make him our new President, but I'd be lying if I said that I understood the Electoral College.

If you want to look at 31 pictures of Drake, check the gallery below for every US state's favorite musician. Spoiler alert: most of them are Drake.

Every US State's Favorite Musician

AKA: Basically, 50 Pictures of Drake:

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Country Music's Best Living Performers, Ranked — Certified

Who is country music's best living performer? It's a debate country fans have all the time, and there are passionate arguments for any one of a couple dozen stars. Taste of Country's new video series certifies this water cooler discussion.

Singer Stephanie Quayle, radio host Patrick Thomas and ToC writer Carena Liptak assembled 15 candidates and eliminated one at a time, round-robin style. Everyone had one block to use, which means each panelist could stop someone from eliminating an artist. WATCH the full video on YouTube or check out the results below.

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