Last week, the Centennial State experienced temperatures so cold that forks froze in mid-air. Most residents hunkered down to avoid the chill, but one Colorado couple had no choice but to venture out.

Why? They had a baby to deliver.

According to 11News, Colorado Springs resident Nicole Namba began feeling contractions on Thursday (Dec. 22) morning and realized she had to go to the hospital.

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Her husband, Wyatt Gray, helped her into the car, and the couple began their treacherous trek, made longer by ice and snow.

Sometime during the drive, Namba informed her husband that she wasn't going to make it to the hospital. Gray pulled over, walked to the passenger's side, called 911, and listened as the dispatcher told him how to deliver a baby.

"Once I pulled that [passenger] door open, I saw my baby's head, and I about dropped to the floor," Gray said to 11News. "I'm on my knees, in the snow, in negative 14-degree weather."

Thankfully, the delivery was successful, and the couple's daughter Lilly joined the world at the intersection of North Union and Family Place. Gray then drove the family the rest of the way to the hospital, where nurses who had heard of the birth welcomed them with open arms.

"We ran through the whole hospital...making sure everything was good," Namba told the station. "She's meeting all her milestones and eating great, and is healthy and everything we can ask for."

Although Lilly was supposed to be born on January 7, her early arrival is now an extraordinary story.

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If you love snow, you'll want to move to one of these Colorado towns.

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