Now that June has arrived, most of Colorado's busy summer highways are now open. Likewise, Colorado's many mountain passes are opening up, and all of this means more drivers, more traffic, and more State Troopers.

Read More: 20 Highway-Driving Pet Peeves that Make Colorado's Blood Boil

The State Patrol recently warned motorists that as of Memorial Day Weekend, there would step up patrols in Colorado watching for the ten most common violations on our state's busiest highways. Keep going to find out what those common violations are so that you don't end up with an expensive ticket this summer.

Colorado's Busiest Summer Highways

Recently published in the Denver Gazette, the State Patrol has tried to save you a ticket by announcing where they will be increasing patrols. Since we have all been given notice, do not expect to be let off with a warning if you are pulled over for one of the ten most common violations in Colorado and Grand Junction.

Expect to see more troopers on Highways 34, 40, 50, 160, 287, I-70, and i-25.

Coloradans Will Need To Pack Extra Patience

This summer, a detour that takes longer than your workday is required following the closure of Highway 50. To get around the closure, Coloradans will need to use I-70 (North) or 149 (South). This means both these highways will see tons of traffic all summer, and you should expect it to take even longer to get back and forth between Denver and Grand Junction this summer.

Read More: CDOT Updates Progress to Colorado’s Highway 50 Bridge Repairs

Don't Forget Your Seat Belt

In 2023, the State Patrol reported that accidents that involved a fatality saw 81% of people who wore a seatbelt survive. Only 19% of those who did not wear a seatbelt survived. It's a no-brainer. Buckle-up.

The Colorado State Patrol Cracking Is Down on These 10 Violations

The Colorado State Patrol has announced its plans to crack down on ten violations as the summer driving season gets underway in the Centennial State. See what the ten most common traffic violations are in the photo gallery below.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

MORE: Places In Grand Junction Where You're Most Likely to Get a Speeding Ticket

Have you ever had the pleasure of paying a hefty fine for speeding? Isn't it fun? According to you, these are the places around Grand Junction where you're most apt to get busted for speeding.

Gallery Credit: Waylon Jordan

LOOK: Most Common Car Maintenance Mistakes That Get You a Ticket in Colorado

Take note of 11 common vehicle maintenance mistakes that could result in traffic violations, tickets, or fines in Colorado. See if any of the following items need to be checked on your vehicle before your next road trip.

Gallery Credit: Wes Adams

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