Nuclear Attack: Colorado Sits Right In The Crosshairs Of Potential Targets
We're not putting this out there for any fear-mongering purposes; this is simply a heads up and something that I had no idea about until I did a little digging, and it's merely factual information to know and be aware of in the unlikely event of a nuclear attack.
All of the craziness in the world, especially with all of the battles that have occurred over the last several months between Russia and Ukraine, has stirred up some bad blood and concern all over the world, and it has many of us thinking, "what if" in terms of worst-case scenarios. One worst-case scenario would be a nuclear war. Now, this is something that was on the forefront of many people's minds back in the day during the Cold War, and recently those concerns have resurfaced.
In fact, 24/7 Wall Street has come up with some of the most dangerous areas to be if a nuclear attack happened, and two of those places happen to be close to us in Northern Colorado.
The worst spot if a nuclear attack were to happen is pretty obvious, according to 24/7 Wall Street, the nation's capitol and the surrounding area.
As for our region, Cheyenne, Wyoming, came in as the 14th worst place to be for a nuclear attack because of its proximity to F.E. Warren AFB. While Peterson AFB down in Colorado Springs came in 12th, and then a little further south, Albuquerque, New Mexico, came in 11th because of its proximity to Kirtland AFB.