Here's a look at Grand Junction and Western Colorado residents out and about having fun. This gallery includes vintage photos of races, events, boating, and people acting silly.
Late Grand Junction, Colorado photographer Robert Grant would have celebrated his 100th birthday this Saturday, May 27, 2023. In honor of his special day, here are a number of Robert Grant photos, all from Western Colorado, selected completely at random.
The gallery below features Robert Grant's images of people from Grand Junction and Western Colorado doing fun and exciting things. Some are summer photos, others are winter. Some are from the early 1950s, others from the late 1970s.
Here's another look at classic Robert Grant photos featuring people, events, and landmarks from Grand Junction, Fruita, and other communities around Western Colorado. With this gallery, the subject matter focuses on celebrations and awards ceremonies.
Well, I just found another box of classic Robert Grant photos featuring people, events, and landmarks from Grand Junction, Fruita, and other communities around Western Colorado. These were in a box labeled "People Unidentified."