Colorado’s Tiniest Town is Just a Speck on the Map
They say big things come in small packages, whoever they are. In many cases, it's just hyperbole, designed to make someone feel better about being short or something, but it can also be literally true, like the enormous worlds they make for video games now.
We often think big when it comes to cities and towns, especially here in Colorado, where the mountains just make everything seem bigger. Today, however, is a good day to set our sights a little lower and start thinking small. Where better to start than in our own backyard, with the tiniest town in Colorado? Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: Lakeside.

Lakeside: Colorado's Tiniest Town
Have you never heard of Lakeside? Well, neither had I, and I think we should all be forgiven for that oversight, considering Lakeside boasts a population of just 16 people, as of the 2020 census. With a population that small, can you really call it a 'town'? I mean, that's a number small enough to fit into one large house, and it wouldn't even have to be Downton Abbey-sized. That's not a town, it's a family get-together.
What Can You Find in Lakeside?
As small as Lakeside is (and again, it's really small), the town doesn't lack things to do, believe it or not. Most of the town is actually occupied by a local strip mall, as well as the Lakeside Amusement Park. So, once you've spoken to everyone in town, which shouldn't take longer than an afternoon, you can enjoy one of America's favorite pastimes. In truth, is the amusement park not the true reason for small towns in this country? I would say yes.
Learn More about Lakeside
If you'd like to learn more about Colorado's tiniest town, check out the town's official website. How much more there could possibly be to learn about a town this small, I have no idea, but if you love small towns, then Lakeside is your jewel of the Centennial State.