Is it Legal to Flip Off a Police Officer in Colorado?
Have you ever been pulled over, even though you know you weren't going anywhere near as fast as the guy in front of you? When the officer steps up to your window to ask you if you know how fast you were going, all you want to do is scream at them, "I don't know; do you know how fast that guy was going?"
It's enough to make you want to give him the finger, and in all honesty, I can't blame you. Having a problem with authority is part of the American DNA, after all. Just look at how we got our start, and then how we got our second start. American history is really just the story of raising a teenager: a constant shouting match of, "You can't tell me what to do!"

You come by the urge to flip the cop the bird honestly, is what I'm trying to say. Don't get too excited, though; remember that just because you want to do something, doesn't mean that you can. That's why have those pesky laws, even the strange ones. So, before you start showing police officers that you can still pluck yew, it might be a good idea to ask yourself if that's even legal.
Well, the short answer is, yes you can!
You see, here in the United States of America, we have this thing called the Constitution. Within that document is a list of amendments referred to as the Bill of Rights, and the very first amendment on this list is colloquially known as the freedom of speech.
It is that very freedom of speech that gives you the right to be vulgar to a police officer if you are so inclined. This speech also extends to your middle finger, meaning that if you want to make it your mission in life to flip off every single police officer you saw in your life, you are well within your rights to do so. I wouldn't recommend it, but I also wouldn't recommend bungee jumping, either, because I don't like to live dangerously.
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