Is Colorado the ‘Loneliest State on Valentine’s Day’?
Well, it looks like Colorado has just made the top ten on another national list. However, before you get too excited about it, I do have to let you know that this particular list isn't exactly flattering. Actually, it's kind of embarrassing, if you think about it.
You see, for all the wonder and majesty of living in Colorado, it seems that we are all quite sad. So sad, in fact, that there's a new list making the rounds that names Colorado as one of the "Loneliest States on Valentine's Day."
BetColorado studied Google Trends, looking at which states were searching for dating apps on Valentine's Day. I guess that's a sign that you're lonely and looking for love, but it could also be a sign of someone with a perfectly healthy social life. When you're trying to determine if the user of a dating app is actually sad, what you're really looking for is frequency.
Nevertheless, after examining which states searched the most for the popular dating apps Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge, whatever the heck that is, they somehow determined that Colorado is the 8th-saddest state when it comes to the day of lovers; ahead of Utah and Nebraska, believe it or not. Again, just because you're searching for dating apps on Valentine's Day, that doesn't necessarily mean that you're lonely. Heck, it doesn't even mean that you're single!
I don't know about you, but I'm not sure that squares with my experience with Valentine's Day in Colorado. I mean, have you tried to book a restaurant in Montrose on February 14th? It's everything in their power not to laugh at you right there on the phone.
What do you think? Does Colorado have a Valentine's Day loneliness problem? Let us know what you think about AppChat. Also, if you could fill us in on Hinge, that'd be great. That one sounds like it's for carpenters, or something, which undoubtedly means that it's actually a dirty euphemism. It just has to be, I know it.